Friday, July 21, 2006

The Rains Came

It is finally raining and Dante and his inferno have left for a few days. The heat here was beginning to get out of hand. It was over 100 for the last week with humidity to match. With Mr L's front AC unit out, I had to rescue his wine collection, over 300 bottles successfully evacuated to a cooler part of the condo.

The rain started at about 7;30 with a wonderful clap of thunder. As I looked out, a hard but not driving shower filled the sky and drenched the lawn. I was afraid we would break the heat wave with a horrible storm such as the one that pummeled St Louis. Puggles had a quick potty break (she hates rain) and I closed the slightly opened window to the Queen Mary.

No watering the yard today, no running up to 4th floor to see if I can get the recalcitrant AC to work. Maybe an easy day for a change?


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